This series is made up of some glass and some ceramic works. These works are highly unique form and looking. Norihiko Terayama created them from damaged vases,coffee cups and so on. He start breaking damaged object into some fragments. Some of fragment are rasped, then their surfaces are scraped out. He reconstruct shape with fragments by highly original way. Artist Statement Fragile Structure One of the attractivenesses of ceramic or glass works is their fragility as structure, which fascinates us. Nothing ever lasts. Broken objects can never be reproduced, eve n if they are restored perfectly.It transforms into a different object.Alt hough the appearance is restored as ever, it looks something wrong. When I c onsider wh ere this strange atmosphere comes f rom, a thou ght came to me that its reason might be that a broken object should "take on evanescence." Taking a different way from restoration, I have tried to make a new object with a new perspective of taking on evanescence.