A memorial or monument symbolizes the collective memories of people in a particular area using texts or statues as a vehicle. A memorial plays a role as a memory bank to remind us of people and circumstances at a certain point in time. Critically these recollections are directed and influenced by the champion of the time, leaving behind the other side of the story. The history is recorded, erased, and re-recorded depending on who is in power. The phenomenon of dismantling and modifying the old monuments as well as erecting a new monument signifies the paradox of this seemingly long-standing structure. We perceive the monument as an unchallenged narrative that will withstand the test of time but all-too-often we see the account of the story changed, altered, or even lost. The record of the story, though significant, is not permanent. The memorials that are aesthetically pleasing could present both the visible and invisible aspects of the recorded story. In this series, her sculptures record personal memories, dreams, and hopes – all of which could fade in the future.